4 Questions You're
Too Shy to Ask About Gut Health and Diarrhea - Answered

When it comes to your gut health, you should not be embarrassed to talk about your bowel movements, especially to your doctor, because this will give clues regarding your overall health.

Health care professionals have the right knowledge and tools to determine if your situation is normal or needs immediate care.

Here are the answers to the four awkward diarrhea questions.

1. How often should I have bowel movements?

  • There is no rule indicating that you should eliminate once a day, but typically, most people do so once or twice daily.1

  • No bowel movement for 1-2 days can be normal as well. As long as you don’t suffer from an upset stomach, or have no trouble making it to the bathroom, you don’t have to worry.1

  • “Normal” bowel movement schedules vary from person to person. Consult your doctor whenever bowel movements result in a continuous upset stomach, or when repeated bathroom trips disturb your normal daily routine.1

2. What affects my stool’s texture?

The texture of your stool will depend on the following factors:

  • Activity – Staying active will help your gut to work better and move your stool more efficiently. When experiencing slow digestion, going for a run or walk can help you develop regular elimination habits.2

  • Age – Growing older puts you at risk of constipation because aging will cause your digestive system to slow down. (Fact: Older people are more likely to consume several medications that could interfere with regular elimination habits.)2

  • Diet – Fiber is an essential component for a healthy gut. Your small intestines cannot easily digest this, so it passes to your colon as a mass of indigestible food, which then becomes stools. A fiber-rich diet promotes regularity and prevents constipation.2

  • Fluid intake – The large intestines absorb excess water, so if you are not drinking enough fluids, stools can become hard. Increasing your fluid intake will keep stools soft and easy to pass.2

  • Medical history – Some medications and health conditions affect gut health, causing you to eliminate more or less than usual. The stomach flu virus and inflammatory bowel diseases can change your stool’s texture and frequency.2

3. Is having a bowel movement after eating normal?

Going to the bathroom immediately after eating does not necessarily mean you have an inefficient digestive system. Often, stools passed after having a meal are not from the food you just have eaten.1

If stools after eating are runny, have a bad odor, and float, this means that your body is not absorbing fats well, or it may indicate diarrhea.1

Signs of having diarrhea:

✓  No control over your bowel movements

✓  Urgency to sit on a toilet bowl, whether or not you have just eaten

✓  Loose stools

✓  Bloating

✓  Nausea

✓  Abdominal pain

When this happens, consider taking probiotic medicine for diarrhea which helps restore and maintain your gut flora balance.3

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that offer gentle intestinal care to keep the gut healthy. Moreover, it promotes better metabolism, hastens healing of intestinal complaints, and supports a stronger immune system. 3

4. Why does my stool appear in unusual colors?

✓  The typical colors of stools include shades of brown, yellow, and even green.4

✓  The color depends on:

a. Its bile content

b. The food you eat

For example

✓  You may notice passing out green stools after eating lots of green veggies, food coloring, or supplements.4

✓  Yellow, greasy stools might be a result of excess fat in the stool.4

But if your stool is black or bright red, consult your doctor immediately as this implies a more serious health condition.4

Your bowel habits can say a lot about your overall health. While you may feel shy talking about them, they offer valuable clues to your body’s functioning.

Ensure good digestive health by following a healthy diet and taking the good-quality probiotic medicine from Enterogermina.

Learn more about diarrhea and the human digestive system from the Diarrhea and You section of our website.


  1. Prevention. Is It Normal to Poop Right After I Eat? Plus, 7 More Poop Questions You’ve Been Afraid to Ask, https://www.prevention.com/health/a20514575/8-things-your-pooping-habits-say-about-you/. Last visited 13th February 2021
  2. Medical News Today. How often should you poop each day? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319879. Last visited 13th February 2021
  3. Harvard Medical School. Health benefits of taking probiotics. https://www.health.harvard.edu/vitamins-and-supplements/health-benefits-of-taking-probiotics. Last visited 1 March 2021
  4. Mayo Clinic. Stool color: When to worry https://www.mayoclinic.org/stool-color/expert-answers/faq-20058080. Last visited 13th February 2021