Bacillus Clausii Probiotic Benefits and Antibiotic Resistance for Diarrhea

Bacillus clausii belong to the group of bacteria with the ability to form spores. This helps the bacteria resist harsh conditions that may alter its efficacy. This is an advantage over the other common probiotics, such as Lactobacillus spp, which are non-spore forming¹³.

The Bacillus clausii advantage

Aside from resisting heat, stomach and intestinal acids, Bacillus clausii spores can withstand the effect of antibiotics.

bacillus clausii health benefits
bacillus clausii probiotic benefits


1.The spores protect Bacillus clausii from the killing effects of the antibiotics⁵⁵

bacillus clausii

2. The antibiotic resistance of the Bacillus clausii cannot be transferred to any other organism⁴⁰.

bacillus clausii antibiotic resistance