Sometimes, your diet can cause diarrhea.
You can get food poisoning after swallowing food that has been contaminated with a variety of germs (bacteria, viruses, parasites) or toxic substances (chemical toxins or natural toxins such as those in some mushrooms and molds)¹⁴. After you consume a contaminated food or drink, it may take hours or days before you develop symptoms¹⁴.
Very frequently, diarrhea can also be caused by something in the diet that is taken in excess¹⁵. Lactose is a sugar that is contained in cow’s milk. Its proper digestion requires the adequate presence of an enzyme (lactase) in the small intestine¹⁵. When your small intestine makes low levels of lactase and can’t digest all the lactose you eat or drink, you experience a condition called lactose intolerance ¹⁶. Some sugars can also cause diarrhea. Artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol and mannitol are known laxatives when taken in excessive amounts¹⁵.
Taking probiotics can help bring back gut health by decreasing the number of “bad” bacteria in your gut that can cause infections or inflammation. Aside from this, it also promotes the growth of good bacteria and restores the gut bacterial balance⁸.